
The purpose of each Service Agreement is to describe the services that Red Frog for Families will provide, the costs associated with services, and where applicable what funding will be allocated from your NDIS plan.

Things you should know

Unfortunately, Red Frog for Families is not an emergency-response or critical supports service. In the event of an emergency or disaster, Red Frog for Families will endeavour to continue to provide supports as usual, however cannot guarantee continuity of supports. If you would consider the services proposed in the service agreement to be critical and require continuity in the event of an emergency or disaster, please do not sign the service agreement, but contact our team for referral to another appropriate service.

It is extremely important that you are aware of your rights.

You have the right to:

  • Raise any concerns or complaints you have about the service the participant is receiving from Red Frog for Families, and also to feel comfortable when doing this.
  • Be actively involved and have a say when choosing the supports for the participant, and who they are provided by (person or service).
  • Have a representative involved in the planning of the participant’s supports.
  • Access an advocate at any point to support the participant.
  • Have consistency when it comes to the participant’s supports.
  • Be treated with the utmost respect and feel comfortable when working with the Red Frog for Families team.
  • Access any support documents that Red Frog for Families have that relate to the participant’s supports.
  • Practice your cultures, beliefs, and values during your supports with Red Frog for Families.
  • Dignity of risk in decision making, with Red Frog for Families supporting the participant and representative’s decisions.

What Red Frog for Families will do

  • Work with the participant and representative to ensure we deliver the best supports to meet your needs and goals.
  • Respect and protect the privacy of the participant’s confidential and personal information.
  • Treat the participant and representative with respect and communicate openly and honestly.
  • Observe the participant and representative’s values, culture, and religious beliefs.
  • Respect the participant’s and representative’s right to autonomy, including their sexual expression.
  • Will respect the participant and representative’s right to decision making and will ensure you are well informed of any risks.
  • Support the participant and representative’s decisions and choices.
  • Give the participant and representative information about managing any complaints or disagreements.
  • Respect your possessions.
  • Listen to the participant and representative’s feedback and resolve problems quickly.
  • Notify the participant and representative at the earliest possible moment if Red Frog for Families has to change a scheduled appointment.
  • Give the participant and the representative the required notice if Red Frog for Families need to end the Service Agreement.
  • Provide supports in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and Rules, and the Australian Consumer Law;
  • Keep accurate records on the supports provided to you.

What we need YOU to do

  • Treat Red Frog for Families team members with courtesy and respect.
  • Notify Red Frog for Families when the participants personal information changes.
  • Respect Red frog for Families possessions.
  • Not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst accessing Red Frog for Families services.
  • Talk to us if the participant or representative have any concerns about the supports being provided.
  • Give us notice per our published cancellation policy if the participant cannot make a scheduled appointment; if the required notice is not provided, the Red Frog for Families cancellation policy will apply.
  • Give us the required notice if the participant needs to end the Service Agreement (see ‘Ending a Service Agreement’)
  • Let us know immediately if the participant’s funding plan is suspended or replaced by a new funding plan or the participant stops being a participant in the NDIS.
  • If Red Frog for Families is at your home, provide a safe; alcohol, drug, and violence free environment.
  • Not ask Red Frog for Families team members to act in a way that will break any laws.
  • Understand that Red Frog for Families is unable to provide any financial advice.

Changes to Service Agreements

If changes to the supports or their delivery are required, the parties agree to discuss and review applicable Service Agreement(s). The parties agree that any changes to Service Agreements will be in writing, signed, and dated by the parties.

Ending a Service Agreement

Should either party wish to end a Service Agreement the representative will give the provider 24 hour notice and the provider will give the representative one-month notice.

If either party seriously breaches a Service Agreement the requirement of notice will be waived.

Should a new Service Agreement be agreed upon by both parties, the new Service Agreement will automatically replace any existing Service Agreement.

Your Privacy

Red Frog for Families is very serious about your privacy and will only share relevant information about the supports that Red Frog for Families provide with the people that are listed in your Participant Consent Form and the Red Frog for Families team members who need to know information about you to support you. Under certain circumstances, Red Frog for Families may be required by law to share information about you.


At times it may be necessary for Red Frog for Families to contact other people in your life. A Participant Consent Form will be completed by you (or your representative), outlining the key people and services that make up your support network. Your information will be kept secure and confidential and will only be shared to make sure that you have the best services and support.

Red Frog for Families will always let you know when they have had contact with anyone you have listed on your Participant Consent Form.


Unless otherwise stated by the participant or representative, the provider reserves the right to record (video and audio) the participant during the provided service. The recordings will be kept exclusively by the provider for case management and professional development.


The provider will seek payment for their provision of supports from individuals’ representatives or funding agencies as advised by the participant or their representative. As the participant (or their representative) is the one receiving service, they remain liable if payment is unable to be claimed per their instruction.

Feedback, Compliments, and Complaints

If the participant or representative wishes to give feedback, they can talk to their therapist either in person, through email, SMS, mail to feedback@rf4f.com.au or call on 02 8060 6499. We love to hear positive feedback, but if you can see a way we could improve what we do, we would appreciate it even more if you told us about that too.

If the participant or representative is not happy with the provision of supports and wishes to make a complaint, the participant can talk to Red Frog for Families management via manager@rf4f.com.au or call on 0431 447 365.

If the participant or representative is not satisfied or does not want to talk to this person, they can contact the NDIS Commission by phone on 1800 035 544, by visiting one of their offices in person, or visiting ndiscommission.gov.au for further information.

If the participant or representative is not satisfied or does not want to talk to this person, the Participant or Representative can contact the New South Wales Ombudsman – https://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au 02 9286 1000